Originally Posted by 458Win
Besides the typical hunters with new, overbore magnums purchased just for the hunt I have had hunters who didn't know how to load their rifle, a hunter who thought he had single shot rifles because he had no idea that you could put rounds down in the magazine and a hunter who sighted in and brought 300 Win ammo for his 300 Wby rifle ( we didn't catch that one until my son, who was guiding him, called on the radio the first evening to ask if we had any Wby ammo in camp )
You can guess just how well these guys shot at the range . And of course half of them claimed that they could shoot them just as well as smaller rifles and insisted that if the guide shot their bear that they would not accept it.

Bringing up a new, overbore, magnum rifle is the Alaskan equivalent of wearing a bowie knife to deer camp. It makes an early impression, but not the intended one.

Phil, Ive also been told by guides and PHs ( once taken into their confidence�) that many of these guys can't wait to drag out their new shiny weapons with Hubble scopes to show their guides what wise choices they've made�.

Even had one experience where we arrived in bear camp, chewed the fat for a couple hours with guide and outfitter, and finally said " I guess we should drag out our guns and check them on the range, so you can see we can shoot"�

The outfitter says " Oh, no worries, you guys can shoot"

Asked how he knew that he said simply " You haven't pulled your guns out to show them off, or even mentioned what caliber they are�" grin

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe