Originally Posted by MarineHawk
Originally Posted by prairie_goat
It's pretty obvious from your posts you haven't done much hunting. That's ok. But to come on and act like you know what you're talking about is silly.

Did you ever think that maybe the reasoning for carrying a 458 is to sort out bad situations caused by poor shooting from fellows who couldn't handle their fire breathing magnums?

I have been hunting since 1977.

I'm not acting, and only people like you even make weird accusations like that.

So, Phil, by strongly preferring, and carrying himself, a .458 is doing that "to sort out bad situations caused by poor shooting from fellows who couldn't handle their fire breathing magnums"? I didn't know you thought so little of Phil. Nice.

Interesting method you're using to try and turn it around on me. You're logic is extremely strange regarding Phil and the 458.

Here's a quick rundown why you obviously haven't done much hunting and killing:

1: A quick Google search for Brown Bear hunting cartridges shows that you have posted up about your hunt on nearly every forum available. And that's about all you've posted about. We can forgive you for this, as maybe that's all you're interested in posting about.

2. You quote a lot of numbers, and shoot big guns. These sorts of things are normally done by guys who don't have much experience. That's ok. We are all at different points in the what is needed for killing journey, and you will learn.