Originally Posted by T_O_M
The 180 that always passes through is going to be more consistent. I've had bullets that did not pass clear through show more variability in results. Sometimes they were friggin' spectacular, other times the seemed to have no effect for a while.

Personally, I prefer reliability, short tracking, rather than a mix of bang flop and longer tracking or even lost game.

The ol' "absorbing all the energy" schtick was nonsense when I first heard it in about 1968 and it hasn't gained any ground. ALL only matters if you barely have enough. If you use something a bit more appropriate for the job, you'll have enough. Having enough is important, having all can still produce a failure.


I agree but have been told by thoracic surgeons that the real killing mechanism if CNS is not involved is blood loss. Dump BP and lights go out. A vent on the exit is both bigger and leaves the tissue pointing in the right direction to dump blood far faster than the entrance.

An exit is always a good thing IMO&E.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.