Originally Posted by Angus1895
I finally got it.

Just like the garanimals kids clothing line.

Go to Walmart mart, pick out a box of shells that has a picture of an animal resembeling the one on your tag, and if in doubt buy an arrow,

BTW foot and pound is in the English scale, is not our friend the metric scale based on the volume and mass of water? As in ccs?

But I guess a pints a pound the world around, but wait a minute.....is that an imperial pint? Or an English pound? Or a euro?

Metric, used as I clearly did, does not refer to the metric scale. In technical use it refers to any system or point of reference that can be used to measure. But it is obvious you cannot keep any term on-topic.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.