Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Coyote_Hunter

mass as well as velocity - i.e. energy.


mass x velocity = Force (ie; F= mass x accel.) A concise statement of Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion.
Force has both magnitude and direction.

energy has no direction, but when an object's velocity increases, so does its energy.
Energy is the ability to do work. Force is said to do work, spending energy in the process.

you require something to be accomplished for it to be considered work.(ie; if you spend energy trying
to move an object and it doesnt move, you have not done any work). yet If you lift a hammer but dont
drive a nail, you still have done work simply by lifting the hammer.

Work = Force x Distance.

Momentum (time dependent) measures the 'motion content' of an object (mass in motion) and is based
on the product of an object's mass and velocity.(force).
Momentum being time dependent, means the longer a force is applied, the amount of momentum increases.

There is so much wrong here it's ridiculous.