Originally Posted by Coyote_Hunter
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Argumentum ad absurdum just met his match...

Maybe so.

Some people cannot understand the truths that such a method reveals, others, apparently, simply and willfully refuse to do so.

In any case, reduction to the absurd is a perfectly valid way of discovering and demonstrating limits. Not only is it a valid method, it is indispensable for both logical and mathematical purposes. Entire fields of math would be impossible with out it.

Whether someone lacks the metal capacity to understand or willfully refuses, the truths revealed are still truths.

Gone fishing, where I'll be trying for the weed line.

You are the one failing to understand... just saying...

You can lead a fool to water, but you can't make him think...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.