Originally Posted by irfubar
Blackheart, this thread has been kinda fun, although at your expense.... you do have a point, hunting whitetails in a mature forest with no Ag etc... is very difficult. How do you pattern such deer?
The deer in my area seem to wander around aimlessly, the only pattern I can find is they prefer the valley where people live in order to avoid the wolves.

I am not much of a whitetail hunter and the only time I seem to have a chance is during the rut... the bucks are up and moving and less wary.....
As anywhere they'll be where habitat/food is best. The vicinity of creeks, rivers, beaver ponds and swamps are always good bets, particularly with oak ridges above them.. Regenerating recent clear cuts are good too but not available in the designated wilderness areas here. We do have them in other state forest lands outside the wilderness areas and they are hot spots.The bucks wander alot during rut because the doe groups are so spread out, so if you have snow, finding a fresh track and following it is a good bet if in an area where you're unlikely to push it in front of another hunter or onto private land.