Bodycams? Or were they turned off? Missing?

I know what I think I saw, let the investigation play out,
and learn more.

Not, that the end result will match the info from the investigation.

I do know that in the last several years we have seen this reaction
from a number of situations. Some in which the cops performed
exactly as they should.

In too many though, they were wrong.

And, other than public opinion, suffered nothing as the result
of someone dying needlessly.

Some, would have easily been charged and imprisoned if
they weren't Blue. Others, probably didn't deserve charges,
But clearly showed they were in the wrong profession.

I don't understand this Blue Line thing.

How can someone proud of their profession, dedicated to
upholding the law, not be incensed when they find a traitor
to the cause.

Why is it them against us?
I'm not against them. I wish they would do a better job
policing themselves. I want to have that childish, traditional
respect toward cops.

Instead. I have had that conservation with my kids.

The one a former president alluded to.

Except, my kids aren't ghetto black boys.
They are are articulate white females.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!