Boxing, muay thai, sparring

Cleared fence rows to celebrate Juneteenth. Messed up my WO schedule and was tougher than a day at work.

Clean/jerk - warm up/work up gradually doing singles, 5 or 6 sets of singles once up to working weight, 1 minute rest between sets
Circuit: several light warmup rounds, 3 work rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between lifts in circuit
Hang Snatches (catch in power, not full squat)
Powerlifting Squat (low bar, shins vertical)
DB Bench
DB Rows
...adding the hang olympic lifts to the circuit this week wore me out, no aux circuit

12, 3 min rounds, alternating rounds between double end bag and thai bag
1 min on elliptical between rounds

Snatch - - warm up/work up gradually doing singles, 5 or 6 sets of singles once up to working weight, 1 minute rest between sets
Circuit: several light warmup rounds, 3 work rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between lifts in circuit
Hang Cleans (catch in power, not full squat)
DB Incline
Lat Pulldowns
...again, to lazy to do aux

I'll take tomorrow off. Work day at hunting club Saturday so I'll rest up for it.