Jerry, there's no doubt that will keep a man busy and "worked out". I split a lot of wood growing up. We burned it and my Dad sold firewood on the side....he had cheap labor. When you have to split some sweet gum call Jackson_Handy or mtwarden....I'm not man enough. I split more than one sledge hammer handle driving wedges trying to split sweet gum growing up. Sweet gum is a different animal.

Boxing, muay thai, sparring

Had to work through lunch and didn't get to train

Clean/jerk - warm up/work up gradually doing singles, 5 or 6 sets of singles once up to working weight, 1 minute rest between sets
Circuit: several light warmup rounds, 3 work rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between lifts in circuit
Hang Snatches (catch in power, not full squat)
Sumo Deadlift
Weighted dips

12, 3 min rounds, alternating rounds between double end bag and thai bag
1 min on elliptical between rounds (30 sec forward/30 sec reverse)

Snatch - - warm up/work up gradually doing singles, 5 or 6 sets of singles once up to working weight, 1 minute rest between sets
Circuit: several light warmup rounds, 3 work rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between lifts in circuit
Hang Cleans (catch in power, not full squat)
Front Squats
Standing alternating DB Shoulder press
Underhand-grip lat pulldowns
....this circuit killed my shoulders and core...

Tomorrow I'll box.