Originally Posted by TF49

I take no issue your statement of belief but RM is replying based on a "biblical" perspective. A question of "what the bible teaches" is not the same as "is the bible the word of god."


my point is that everyones belief is based on what certain people wanted to be read and seen in their versions of bibles thruout mankinds history
old testament wise
new testament wise
dead sea scroll wise
ect ecte ect

how can you toss aside certain texts books and documents and say they aint no good for this branch of christain religon
but yet keep certain texts books and documents for such and such other branch of christain religion

and these decisions were made by men as too what they thought or think gods word should be and put out to beleivers as a whole

kinda leaves a big what if type of scenario
as to the whole entire concept of faith and belief when it has been manipulated by man since its inception

oh I believe their is a god and he is a higher power for sure
im just saying that the bible has been manipulated to suit mans purposes way too much to be an authentic complete and true source document for people to say it is this way or hells highway for ya

I was baptized a roman catholic
and that branch of the christain religion sure has some serious issues on its do,s and don't,s versus other branches of christain religons

Q.how did that all happen with offshoots of versions of the bible and versions of christain religons
since the roman catholic church basically started the whole thing after they decided what they wanted and didn't want in their "official bible"

A.man changing stuff plain and simple