Originally Posted by Ringman

If I understand this verse literally it tells me that God made a whole bunch of people pre destined by him to be non believers blind and deaf to his word. Did he do this just so he could have a bunch of folks he could toss in the fire. Wouldn't that make him a psychopath.

You anthropomorphising God. God says He made the wicked for the day of destruction. That does not make him a psychopath. It makes Him the potter and us the pot. Most of us can't humble ourselves. That is THE prerequisite to accepting God.

I make a lot of muzzle brakes. Some I like and some I don't. One difference between God and me is I can't make my works alive. He can and does! We dispose of our rejects in different ways.

Actually, if He created us all in His image and wants to save us all, yet created some specifically to torture and punish when He could have (and says elsewhere that He did) create us all to be the object of his unimaginable love and to share with us all eternity in His presence and His love, then yes, that would make Him a pyschopath or inconsistent in His message. Or, our translation of that message false and twisted for some reason of men (hmmm, the furtherance of a religion of men for power and greed, perhaps?). There really aren't any other options.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.