Originally Posted by ingwe

You Christians are scary.

BOO! Sorry, could not resist. grin

I read every reply and found it interesting. I would like to express a few thoughts.

Not all who call themselves Christians are necessary Christians.

Many time reading these replies I saw requests for proof. There is no proof either way. Let me say it again, there is no proof either way. Arguing proofs there is a God or there is no God is a senseless waste of time and effort and I refuse to be a part of it.

Faith as well of the lack of faith is a personal thing. I have faith in God and a living Saviour in Jesus Christ. That is my choice and no argument will change my mind. That is me. If anyone wants to know about my faith I will gladly do my best to reply. If you don't ask I won't bring it up. I will not thump my Bible or attempt to cram my faith down anyone’s throat.

Carry on folks.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!