Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by OldHat
Originally Posted by Willto
The atheist belief that the universe was created from nothing(ex nihilo) is a faith based claim.

You obviously haven't read this thread as this has already been addressed several times. The non religious participants here have made no such claim about the origin of the universe. We have consistently said that we don't know how it originally came to be. Neither do you. But you are the ones claiming to KNOW how it started despite having no evidence to support that claim.

A materialist rejects God. Science has already settled the creation of the Universe as an event. Therefore the only possible option is for a materialist is to have faith in ex nihilo, ergo my statement is absolutely correct. Atheism is faith based. Just because empty words about "not knowing" are said makes no difference. If a materialist truly did not know then they would allow for God as an option. They don't.

You have obviously not read what I posted i other threads. I have shown clear evidence for the creation of the universe in the past via a supernatural means.

"Kalam Cosmological Argument" is a start, but I'm sure it will be ignored because it is not convenient for faith filled atheists to consider seriously.

When did science settle Creation by a Creator as an event?

Science settled the creation event. Science cannot settle how the event occurred since science before the event is not possible.

Metaphysics offers logical sound arguments for that event having been initiated by a sentient Creator.

It is wrong to think science can answer all questions.