Originally Posted by Angus1895
I think if you rethink what you need to hunt with, you could rethink taking longer shots.

Or not.

Seems you need buddies, ( spotters) , gizmos, ( wind dopers, bipods, tri pods, muzzel do whippees) way points, permission and enhanced shooting skills.

I always wonder how you find em, or even where to start tracking them to find them When you took a shot 800 yards away.

I kinda like Elmer Keith’s deal……

“ If you think yer close enough…….

Get closer.”

I notice this too on the hunting shows that promote long range shooting. There are always a crew about with all kinds of stuff and several eyes and a camera watching everything and replaying footage of shot if there is a question. I guess that is one way to hunt but I would try and get closer or at least have a chance without all those people and equipment. That approach doesn’t sell 10-15k “hunting systems” though. I am not even a crumudgeon…
