Mule Deer I've used the .270 for almost sixty two years and have enjoyed very good success except when I messed up on several bum shots. You, O'Connor, Finn Aagard, come to mind telling all to get good shot placement. I've experienced
good placement and not so good on several occasions. That first shot is THE shot that is important. I used Aagard for advice on shot placement to kill my cape buffalo in Zimbabwe with my CZ 550 9.3 x 62. Straight up the front leg into approximately between 1/3 to 1/2 up from the bottom of the chest. He ran forty five of my very long paces and just died in mid stride and never moved again. Took out the top of the heart and blood vessels. Somehow I didn't hear the death moan. My ph said that he did hear it.

Glenn Campbell