That's odd because I have been discussing micro and macro with Creationist and Evolutionists for 21 plus years.

Creationists are fond of stating that the odds of modern man having "evolved" are as slim as the various parts in a junk yard coming together to form a Boeing 747.

My half man half dog statement was borrowed from a TV personality who made the same statement about the absurdity of evolution, his opinion, and not mine necessarily. It's made simply to demonstrate the order and preciseness of DNA instructions. Humans copulate and out pops another human. Ears don't show up on the chest, 4 arms instead of two, etc. unless there has been radiation, chemical, or viral damage to the DNA.

The nos of configurations by DNA malfunctions is endless in the creatures that could occur from reproduction, but extrememely rare because of the design in each species. A half man half dog or [bleep] does not pop out, even if radiation destroyed 3 % of the DNA that separates humans from [bleep]. Species lines follow species lines. The [bleep] line has coded instructions for [bleep] skeletons, muscle fibers, nervous system, etc. that make it a [bleep].

The paucity of the fossil record needed to demonstrate the case for macro evolution is problematical but not to say it's impossible, verging on the impossible though because there is hope and optimism only that some day they can find progressions w/o the gaps... One cannot trace by fossil progression the amoeba with it's greater number of genes than humans' numbers of genes, to species after species down through the ages to even get close to anything resembling a giraffe for instance. Gaps are huge and long standing and now do not appear to be an obstacle that can be overcome. The wooly mammoth is fun, though, because of ice traps. Can't do anything with it but show micro changes either.

Had I my notes on the Genome, I could actually make a very simple and almost conclusive argument for grand designs, simply by the preciseness of protein combinations, statistically off the chart so to speak. Maybe I'll run across them or the man who concluded the statistics.

A polar bear elongates his neck to catch seals in seal holes over tens of thousands of years and adapts his paws and thermal system to deal with swims of dozens of miles in Artic waters that would promptly kill a human or regular bear. Micro.
He's still a bear, griz, brown.

A salamander evolving to a human is macro. Can't prove it either. One can theorize.

Dr. Carl Baugh, the Creationist, has archeological evidence, (the man whoh believes the Biblical account that the earth is only 6000 years old) from South America in spades that dinosaurs lived contemporarily along side modern man. He has carvings, fine sculptures, tapestries, etc, the famous imprinted landscaped designs 25 x 30 miles pictured from above to show a dinosaur, in the driest place on earth in the deserts south of Peru. A tad more evidence and some say he will disprove Evolution altogether-macro. No evolutionists can stay on a stage with him as he calmly and methodically destroys their "bones." Remember the Darrow trial. It developed later involved a deer bone of all frauds.

He's such a "bones" expert that he makes short work of specimens discovered and introduced to attempt the progression on other hominids to modern man. It doesn't matter whether evolution could one day be proved, he has destroyed every attempt by evolutionists to demonstrate those bones were related to modern man. It doesn't matter if he is wrong about the earth being 6000 years old. He is a bones and anthropology expert, along with cohorts.

A monkey is a monkey is a monkey and is not a dog or man, just as they are not sharks, or eagles, lions, etc. You can't get from one to the other. You can't get from amphibians to them with any records. The dinosaurs are unique, too. Contrast a Tyran Rex with a Bronto. That's major disparity. It doesn't matter how much DNA is shared-it's still a different species no matter how much one thinks one is close to resembling another. Why wouldn't they share some DNA when they have similarities.

Evolutionist theory in micro can be demonstrated but those are minute to minor changes as a species adapts to it's environment.

Darwin made a quantum leap w/o evidence to state this occurred for one species to jump to another. The fossil record does not exist. The wooly mammoth exist. Oddly, one can't demonstrate the micro changes in the polar bear from snow and ice trapped polar bears undergoing micro changes to become a polar bear from what was once a Brownie. Or did the polar bear micro evolve into the Brownie as it adapted to it's environment?

20 billion to 25 billion humans have existed on the earth. All of their DNA together could fit into a drop of water. The strands in one individual would go from here to the moon and back 10,000 times. Preachers just drop such in their sermons out of nowhere.

I can sit back and observe Creationists and Evolutionists and don't have to do anything but go hmmm...just keep studying and reading.

Science involves facts that can be repeated and demonstrated.

The self claimed scientists here look pretty weak as knowledgeable about much of anything, especially basic biology, and wouldn't be deemed capable of teaching 2nd grade science. Not talking about the originator of this thread-Creationist Hawkeye.

I never cease to be amazed. I could do the same with evolution for those who prefer to believe that, but it's been done.

Why don't you just get a dictionary.