Originally Posted by Notropis
Many weather folks are careful to say "when the sun will appear to rise" or "appear to set" because they realize the Earth is rotating on its axis rather than the Sun orbiting the Earth. Casual terms are used in casual conversations but not in more exacting discussions. Those people who are Biblical literalists would claim the Sun moves around the Earth. What do you think about this, Thunder? How consistent are you?

This is really lame. Sunset and sunrise are used all the time by meterologists simply to mean what is visible from our earthly vantage point to the human eye. Books are written all the time with the same language. The Bible is simply recording Joshua asking the sun to stand still in the sky to prolong daylight hours. I don't know of any current credible Biblical literalist who thinks the earth is central to our solar system or that the Bible was intending to convey this. Most people of ancient times had that geocentric idea whether they were pagan or otherwise, not because of any Biblical record of someone's speech.