Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, from day one, never touched on the origin of life question. He may have offered some side speculations in that direction (as most biologists must), but his theory has nothing to do with that question.

The encyclopedia says:
The idea that all life evolved had been proposed before Charles Darwin published On the Origin of species. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_evolution

I am not saying that Darwin's focus was one defining how life started. I am saying that the acceptance or rejection of macroevolution will be based how you think evolution relates to our origins.

It seems like we may be pretty close in our thinking, for we both believe in creation and microevolution. Where we probably differ is that you allow for the Creator to have initiated the macroevolutionary process where I would say every family of species was initially created with maturity.

I am differing more sharply with Brent's position than yours.
Yes, I know.