Originally Posted by Jeff_O
I make no pretense of knowing the Bible, but I think you guys are debating a red herring here.

Can't you find just about ANYTHING in that book? To include many, many internal contradictions?

I understand that it contains a creation myth that many subscribe to, and this is what this thread has evolved into (har har)- a Creation v. Evolution redux.

I guess I'm trying to say that a book of myth and fable, written by confused men over centuries, rife with contradiction, seems like a pretty silly thing to hold up as Exhibit A against a deep, wide scientific theory backed by literally mounds of physical evidence.

More bluntly, I'm calling BS on the entire premise of Bible Creationist v. Evolution debate. It's like putting a book of poetry against Newtonian physics. Sillyness on the face of it.

Now, if one views the Bible as an allegory; a telling of the human creatures' emergence as an intellectual and spiritual animal, then on philosophical grounds it's interesting to look at how people saw themselves, and the world around them, at a time when we were "waking up".

But Bible v. Science is no contest.

You are right Jeff and now I guess I'm condemned like you.

I'm always amazed when I realize that all the problems in the world can be traced to three major and large religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three religions descend from the same God and all three of them have books of mythology that is the absolute word of God. And all three believe that their holy books are right and all science is wrong.

BTW: Deism came about in 18th century of enlightenment because learned men especially in science could not reconcile the Bible with science, history, and philosophy.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude