Let me also cite the Wikipedia on macroevolution from an evolutionary perspective. They are defining it as I have previously, though they say it has occurred which we deny.

Macroevolution is a scale of analysis of evolution in separated gene pools.[1] Macroevolutionary studies focus on change that occurs at or above the level of species, in contrast with microevolution,[2] which refers to smaller evolutionary changes (typically described as changes in allele frequencies) within a species or population.[3]

The process of speciation may fall within the purview of either, depending on the forces thought to drive it. Paleontology, evolutionary developmental biology, comparative genomics and genomic phylostratigraphy contribute most of the evidence for the patterns and processes that can be classified as macroevolution. An example of macroevolution is the appearance of feathers during the evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs.

But our point is sustained in that a working definition between micro and macro is recognized and used.

And the following quote proves that modern creation scientists did not invent the terminology:

Russian entomologist Yuri Filipchenko (or Philipchenko, depending on the transliteration) first coined the terms "macroevolution" and "microevolution" in 1927 in his German language work, "Variabilit�t und Variation". Since the inception of the two terms, their meanings have been revised several times and the term macroevolution fell into limited disfavour when it was taken over by such writers as the geneticist Richard Goldschmidt (1940) and the paleontologist Otto Schindewolf to describe their orthogenetic theories.

So in summary we believe this experiment only proves that which we recognize--microevolution i.e. evolution within the species i.e. Ecoli remains Ecoli.

Last edited by Thunderstick; 11/25/09.