Originally Posted by Thunderstick
The fact that evolutionary theory has historically challenged creation science is very evident, this is why only one view is taught in schools today. The reason evolutions has separated itself in recent years from studies of beginnings is because they can't make any logical case or correlation. Therefore evolution itself has evolved into just a theory for explaining the development of species.
You badly need either to watch the mini-documentary I linked for you or, even better, read Darwin's The Origin of The Species. Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, from day one, never touched on the origin of life question. He may have offered some side speculations in that direction (as most biologists must), but his theory has nothing to do with that question.

PS Even if life did originally spring into existence by a natural process, that in no way contradicts the Bible. Abraham's wife Sarah, for example, became pregnant with Isaac (not our Isaac) well past child bearing age due to God commanding it to be thus, yet we can safely assume that the pregnancy happened by a natural process (i.e., Isaac really was Abraham's son). Same can be said of the mother of John the Baptist. When God commands things to happen, and they do, that doesn't mean he always sidesteps nature to do it. He is the author of nature, so you should expect him to use it. Just like when he commanded the waters and the earth to bring fourth all living species. He used his own creation to perform his works in accordance with his will.