
Am I gonna get teased again,about owning more boats,than The Paper Hat Brigade has IQ Points?!? You KNOW how fhuqking tender they are,regarding wares beyond their means and that...is mean. Laughing!

Wanted 10' and bought 12',because it were available and within 1000 miles of the house. They'll pack a purty good charge and reliably schlep more wares than The Paper Hat Brigade even fhuqking has. Seen it.

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They'll happily pack a purty good charge,are amazingly stable,draw little in the way of requisite water depth,are tougher than fhuqk,it's no thang to throw over a shoulder and choogle with. They's well thunked and very versatile. Now The Paper Hat Brigade can say they've "seen" one of those too. Laughing!

Looks to me like a 162 A-Max exit,but all this stuff gets sooooooo confusing. Laughing!

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Cain't remember what I paid...but nothing else will do,what they do....................


Cracked me the fhuqk up,that you couldn't even spell "due" correctly...you poor poor(literally) STUPID Fhuqk. Congratulations?!?

Lemme letcha' in on a leetle "secret",I miss NOTHING. Ever. Hint.

I get it,that you are doing the BEST you can,with what incredibly fhuqking little you have to work with and are at the mercy of your "means","abilities" and "experience"...which is THE most slippery of slopes. You "lucky" kchunt.

Pardon Facts,Physics and Reality,colliding with your Fantasy. Though I do VERY much enjoy your Drooling Dumbfhuqkery on the What If Chronicles and the EXCITING tales of forgetting everything,selling stuff you cain't afford and all the schit you are gonna ALMOST "do". Laughing!

The 7mmRemMag 162 ELD from Hornie Factory Ammo has 2275fps of impact,1860lbs of "energy" and 35" of drop from a 200yd zero at the 500yd line.

The Creed' 147 ELD Factory Fodder from same and sighted same,arrives the scene at 2092fps,has 1428lbs "energy" and drops 43 inches. PS and by the way,pardon the 147's BC(.697),trumping the 162's. Just sayin'. Hint. Laughing!

I'm rather at ease in "suffering" a "whopping" 182fps difference,432lbs of "energy" difference and 8" of drop difference at the 500yd line,to sideline a long action H&H based attempt and drive a 22-250 case insteada. Mainly because I shoot it all and am afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess. Hint. Laughing!

I never can remember if I shoot 7mm bore sizing or not. So be SURE to "tell" me "more". Laughing!

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Now obviously,nobody could cite your Retardation and CLUELESS Fhuqking Stupidity better than you can/do and I'd certainly not wanna steal that "thunder" from you. So I'll letcha' obliviously quantify those depths even further,by granting you even more slack on the rope and letting you "extoll" on how that Bad 'Em 'Em of your's is set up,in regards to the "advantages" your Imagination and Pretend are granting you the Delusions to Fabricate. I ohhhh sooooo fhuqking dare you,you Drooling DUMB Fhuqk. Subtle Hint. Hint. Laughing!

Mebbe muse the rifle,base/rings,glass,POA/POI arrangement(s). Use as much Imagination and Pretend as you dare,to make them thangs "real". LAUGHING!

Now for REALITY. A Montucky Creed' gunning over da' counter 147's and a 6x MQ,will simply fold schit in it's tracks,is a hoot to shoot in volume pursuits(we in da' bidness call it practice),is cheaper to feed,of far less noise/recoil,will reliably getcha' an extry round in the belly(if not two),slips atmospherics better and due the nature of it's mild mannerisms,will receive a whole 'lotta more yerks on the trigger. You gotta remember,some folks ACTUALLY shoot...though you "get" to read about it. Hint.

Anywhooo...spent primers remain THE Supreme Tutorial and handy/dandy rifles trump all. Facts and Physics are more than a touch handy to have in one's hip pocket and glass that is utterly foolproof in how it tracks/repeats,is THE foundation upon which all is assembled. Kudos on botching it all! Laughing!

Now you can say you've "seen" the blueprint. Laughing!

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Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.


Just sayin'.

Bless your heart.



I bought it longer than I wanted (26"),just for the satisfaction of taking a SawzAll to it,multiple times over,in the interest of 147 ELD R&D. Looking to a 21" Finish Line and the 2000yd line will be a breeze with .025" rear base shift and 40MOA 'Horn's,coupled with a 10x MQ and a 200yd zero.

A rifle can be NO better than it's boolit and that constant trips most folks up.

Assuming 8",a 700 based 260 just simply begs for an AICS footprint DBM,stoked with binderless mags and 147 ELD Smooches. My 260AI loves 'em at 2900fps ala '17 and Lapooey 308 formed false shouldered Virgins.

The Creed' 147 Factory Fodder CRUSHES a 260 and 129's. Why? Boolits/boolits/boolits and roughly in that order.(grin)

129 InterRock BC's,bearing surface and mettle,are veddy veddy easily whooped.



I'm on the ropes...so don't go spookin' the hole.(grin)

A handy/dandy rifle shooting stratospheric BC's with minimal recoil,will teach nothing but GOOD habits,which will reliably garner GREAT results in the Field.

Distances that make The Do NOTHING Gang tremble,are fhuqking hilarious in their ease.

Perspective is never not intellesting and it ain't ever been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.

Bless their hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."