
Amass an accurate tally,of just how many times you've thought,spoke or typed about me,today alone. You'll wanna shop a Battery SALE to compute the wellfounded Man Crush,as you extoll upon your incredibly long list of very WELL founded Insecurities. Congratulations?!? Laughing!

Must be a VERY "big" day for you,to Cab Lizard around,repeating how you "don't care",while TRYING to "convince" yourself that you "could too". You "lucky" kchunt!

As a not so curious aside,the Chrome Dredgin' has bordered upon spectacular,if only due to the weather. Google it. Laughing!

Anywhoo...just "mighta" been doin' some Shootin' too. I'll fuel your Imagination,so you can continue with your Pretend and now you can say that you've "seen" one and add pics to "your" album. Laughing!

Factory Test Target was .916" with Eley(Google it) at the 50yd line,so I was prolly curious.

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The weather is beyond"sporty",but did crank a sub .750" cluster in the shake,rattle and roll. Funny schit and I've a "hunch" I've gots me some Mad Skeelz and will just "perhaps" nip that goodly,in conditions shy of ground shaking and a right proper ammo sort. Gunning 3rd best Lot in Camp Run configuration here. Hint. Just saying. Laughing!

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Pardon the damp backer and swatting the tack aimin' point ala 12x Reupold Sillywet and now you can say you've "seen" one of them too. Laughing!

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On another note(pun be intended),just what does a GOOD Hook Tender make,not that you know any? Don't forget,that you can always bask in the sweet "satisfaction" that is your's,in that everyone can say they "know" a Cutter.

Mebbe shootcha' a picture of a crosswalk tomorrow,with your "camera" you "hard charger" you. As per your always,I very much enjoyed the fascinating Brokedick World Of THE Pecker Pole Show.

Bless your heart.



Oh this Thread is spot on for The Astute and of course does The Window Lickers no fhuqking favors,if only as per always. Throat,twist,COAL,glass,mounts and boolit selection just may matter after all. Hint. Laughing!

Musta missed it...what camera are you driving,as them are some splendid pixels. Congratulations?!?

I've never even heard of a 375H&H,"tell" me about 'em.

Bless your heart.



What's it like having spent a "life" riding the bleachers,never having been able to come close to "doing" ANY of it yourself...but at LEAST you "get" to read about it and gawk the pics,you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Tell yourself that you "could too" and don't "forget" about "your" Heralded 'Em 'Em! I was on the edge of my seat there,in eager anticipation. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart.



Now ain't it a curious constant,that all of my pictures in "your" album...exceed your best efforts. What were the "odds",you Prick Looker you? Congratulations?!? Laughing!

Now it will only come as a "surprise" to someone as fhuqking Stupid as you,that though I've commented in the firsthand upon Booger and more than a few others,that I didn't begin to hint of an issue in making same "shoot". I do enjoy it however,that your Imagination and Pretend is "real" enough to you,to grant you the Delusion otherwise...you "lucky" kchunt.

Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of never having to fret wares. Hint.

Who are you trying to fhuqk outta what,with your most recent Charlatan Ruse(s) and Snake Oil Bullschit? You'd be well served,to attain your FIRST fhuqking clue...because someone who "knows" as "much" as you,is always gonna be better served by asking questions,than in giving "answers". Hint. Just saying. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



I am VERY "surprised" that the TRACT "works" for you and gets sooooooo much "use". Must be a very BIG day for you,to schlep a coupla pooches to the unsuspecting. Some poor fhuqker,literally got Double Dog Dared. Congratulations?!?

You fixin' on spending that Pooch Loot on more TRACT scopes? LAUGHING!

Newest Kreedmire is 1-8" and I got gypped,because I spec'd 1-16"! Waitin' on Chop Weather,but am totin' 'er pre-scribed. Pun be intended. Google it. Laughing!

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The Alpha brass is doing nice thangs,SD/ES is 'bout nothin' and them 147's don't fly nearly as well as a Partition. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



I am VERY "suplized",thatcha' didn't wax eloquent on your "knowledge","experience" and "results" of MOA/Mils,CDS "merit","SFP" or anything else germane...but came outta the closet yet again. Congratulations?!?

What were the "odds"...you "lucky" kchunt? Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Your MAGNIFICENT Ass Sucking,never disappoints in it's oblivious humor. Congratulations?!?

At least you can "do" something in the firsthand...you "lucky" kchunt. Whatcha' gonna ALMOST "do" tomorrow? Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Purty tough to spook a hole,givin' the water volumes and wind speeds. It'd be National News anywhere else,but is called "Thursday" here and The Chrome don't find it unsettlin'. Me neither.(grin)

Look for the trend to continue.


Just saying.

Film at 11:00..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."