
The Alpha brass has me curious.

Reducing pillar diameter only retains the iinherent mettle of the handle and I've simply broken too many stocks through the wrist,to not give such thangs a thunk.

I'm bummed about the twist rate too,as 1-16" woulda been PERFECT...but I reckon I'll try the 1/2 way RPM's and see WTF. Nothing worse than an overstabilized boolit!

Thinkin' them Kreedmire's are prolly gonna catch on like Wild Fire for Critters and the Montucky in particular might be a nice ride............(grin)


Pardon my having shot more chamberings,twist rates and boolits,than your Imagination and it's Pretend could ever begin to fathom. Congratulations?!?

Feel free to cite any/all Hornie ELD "failures",as accrued by your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results". A pic of your "heralded" 'Em 'Em and it's "awesomeness" was asking wayyyyy too fhuqking much,if only because it don't exist. Perhaps touch upon the relative mettle of the ELD X as compared to the ELD M and now is a GREAT time to kickstart your GoogleFu(yet again) "lucky" kchunt. Hint.

Mebbe instead,dangle a pic of your Creed' and say a leetle sumptin' about how you feed it and steer them boolits?!? Laughing!

I get it,that you don't get it,simply because you are well in above your "means","abilities" and "comprehension",so the ONLY fhuqking "move" you've got is to skirt all things germane,Whine and make Excuses. You are doing "GREAT". Hint. Laughing!

NOBODY can insult you,better than you can,by your simply doing your BEST. Read that again. Now one more time. Hint. Laughing!

What do you "do" for a "Living" again? LAUGHING!

Swing for the fence and find me "mistaken" and I'll happily take the time to rub your nose even further in your fhuqking STUPIDITY. That'd be a pair of dogs,wortha' dare. Hint. Just saying. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



1) It's quite a bit better than that

2) It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you MUST,to "convince" yourself of that which you need to hear most. Hint.

3) You are welcome to your STUPIDITY and it is funnier than fhuqk,when you Whine aloud. You REALLY "get after it".

4) Pardon Facts colliding with your Fantasy and Physics sure as fhuqk ain't anything to rate getting "worked up" about,though I do enjoy your Estrogen Fueled Vagina Monologue,Tender Feelers and High Strung "lucky" kchunt.

I'll feign my GREAT "surprise" that you skirted ALL things The Rifle and I "wonder" why that is?!? Please do cite once again,how your innate DUMBfhuqktitude is a Secret Squirrel "advantage". Then mebbe wax eloquent how Retardation is an "advantage" too. Laughing!

LOVE your pics and do NOT let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt. Ooopsie!...too late.

Bless your heart.



That sonic crack broke glass.(grin)

Take it easy on DUMBow,because Imagination and Pretend is all the addled kchunt has "got",with readin' and calculatin' bein' as close as she'll EVER come to doin'.

Drooling Dumbfhuqks NEVER disappoint,in their innate ability to unknowingly conjure oblivious humor. Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.(grin)

Bless her heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."