Originally Posted by Dogshooter
"You're not wrong Walter, you're just an ass hole."
~ Jeffery Lebowski

By the way.... what the f'uck do vest wearing meth-heads, entry raids, or any of the rest of your drivel have to do with LR Hunting, Partitions, or Big Game in general?

Maybe you should go back to the MallNinjas.com forum....

PS.... how many methheads have you had shoot at you..... or are you just regurgitating stuff you heard at your Front Sight class?

Evidently you have me mistaken for someone else. Do your homework before you mouth off and you'll get that. This thread was off the rails long ago and now you're just realizing it. It's never not entertaining to watch the cheerleaders scratch their heads.
As for your post script the answer is a lot more than you apparently. Keep thinking I'm take a knee or whoever. It's friggin hilarious. I've been called Larry Root as well. Whoever that is. At least you guys are around for entertainment when the elf is in the penalty box. Don't give up, you're doing great.