Originally Posted by Judman
Originally Posted by smokinggun
Half of the Entertainment Value is with all of the Butt Hurt reactions coming from the do nothing gang. keep it coming.

Smoking kchunt, do a search of my do nothingness..... hint


You do lots of stuff.... but it does nothing to slow the Alaska-Loompa....

Stick has been around forever... and grown progressively more grumpy (dwarf pun intended).... probably due to the general dipshittery propogated here at an escalating level over the past 15 years.

He's never lacked a posse of "Stick Sherrifs" looking to shut him down or run him off.... and making themselves look stupid in the process. It's sad to see guys as educated, classy, and eloquent as FredIII let him get in his head... and totally poop on their keyboard trying to outwit and outlast the ultimate troll.

So.... Your "plan"is to get rid of an ass-hole.... by nipping at his heels everywhere he posts... and being a bigger ass-hole? That's genius if I understand it correctly.

Keep trying boys... maybe you really ran him off this time... congratulations?

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......