Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by Jim1611
If the one true God being banned from a nation is good I wonder when we'll start seeing the fruits of it improving our society? I always see a hint of that desire in any thread that comes up on here concerning God and the Bible. So if you have a desire to see even more of throwing God out of our nation please explain to me when we'll start seeing the good in this.

So 9 hours later and no takers on my question? I don't want to argue, I just want the facts so please explain them to me.

How many cultures and societies have believed in gods, a creator, supernatural entities, etc, yet were violent? History has many examples.

I asked the question for the proof of taking God out of our country, the USA. So show me the proof it's working. I'm not interested in other places and times. Just here and now. This also goes beyond violence too. More like a moral decay which covers allot. Proof, not questions to me, that's what I want.

The state of a nation, its laws and values, depends on far, far more than just people believing in God.

John Adams and others in his day differ with that statement.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
You still have failed to show evidence that a Godless nation is a good thing.