So God lied? The covenant with Israel was not everlasting?
Originally Posted by Hastings
As to the title of this thread. For some reason the Jewish people held together as a distinct group in almost 2000 years of exile in numerous countries with very little communication ability. They are less than 2% of the world's human population.

Unless there was supernatural (divine) intervention how could they possibly have achieved domination in the world's finance and how could they have regained their homeland Israel against the odds they faced.

Somehow or other in 1948 they were able to expel the British overlords of Palestine get a U.N. resolution on partition and with the help of very few national governments obtain the arms and muster the will to fight off invading murderous Arab armies. I believe than that the just God that rules this universe has a plan for his covenant people as the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah outlined.

As a side note the USA as did many nations quickly recognized Israel but did little else. The nation of Czechoslovakia to their everlasting credit armed the Jewish nation and without those arms Israel would have been stillborn.

All this to say no way can I believe the covenant with Abraham and his seed has been annulled or cancelled. Nothing else makes sense no matter what some Christians want to think.

All this was an accident? There was no supernatural intervention?

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