Originally Posted by IZH27
I checked out Mr Wuest.

His educational pedigree is enough to disqualify him
As a serious theologian. Moody and a Dispensationalist. Too biased. I like to stay as neutral as possible and let the language say what it says even if I don’t like
What it says. I’m certainly still biased and have presuppositions but I do make an attempt to factor that in and own it.

You have simply decided to believe what you want rather than looking for the truth. Wuest is not so much of an ancient language scholar as he is a compiler of knowledge. He quotes the actual scholars and has compiled the translations into a comprehensive study.

Yes, I am saying translations, not personal opinion. There would be no reason to discount such a study unless you knew it would destroy Your opinion. you already admitted you couldn't look at opposing views as it might sway you from your own mistaken interpretations.