Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by IZH27
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by antlers
I was already familiar with www.gotquestions.org. They come at things with preconceived opinions. I don't know all the answers but I'm positive the NT was meddled with and there are some doctrines such as trinitarianism that are hard to make sense of.

I remain careful and skeptical of Paul because he doesn't make much sense. That is not to say that everything he writes (if he wrote it) is false, but perjurers always concede the obvious to be true. It is when they put their "yes, but" into the mix that they lie.

And anytime someone keeps saying "I do not lie" they are lying. Check out how many times ol' Saul says the equivalent of that.

Are you sure that he isn’t using an accepted rhetorical technique common in the day of his writing?
I'll have to think about that. I don't remember a whole lot of "I don't lie/I'm not lying" out of anybody else. I believe I remember Jesus accusing his Jewish hierarchy of lying quite a bit though.

It is past experience that tells me when someone keeps insisting they aren't lying, they are.

You are pulling assumptions out of your ass. The interpreters used that phrase because it was the closest in English to give the indication of someone emphasizing what they are saying is true. Meanings change over time and society. You could substitute any phraseology you like as long as it conveys someone emphasizing that what they are saying is true.

I would be happy to privately explain any of Paul's teachings as long as we can both keep a respectful demeanor. I honestly hate reading you slander Paul.