Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
So God lied? The covenant with Israel was not everlasting?
Yes, it's everlasting. However, that's often misstated. God said that it would be everlasting as long as they followed him. They didn't. They followed the pagan gods of Canaan and then they formed what amounts to their own religion, well away from what God set down for them. They refused to accept the messiah that God had promised to them. Jesus tried to lead them back to God and they killed him, as prophesied.
It was the Jews who broke the covenant, not God.

God is not finished with Israel, at least according to God’s Word. Romans 11:25-26. Israel has been partially hardened and temporarily set aside until the completion of the Church, the Body of Christ. Romans 9-11 teaches God’s faithfulness to Israel and destroys any idea that the Church has replaced Israel. The purpose for Israel continues, as God has a sovereign plan. His Word says so.

The promise God made to Abraham 4,000 years ago was sovereign and remains in effect. The old covenants were given to Israel, and all of them were made sovereignly and unconditionally, except for the Mosaic Covenant which was replaced by the New Covenant. God’s unconditional covenants can’t be broken based on man’s actions.

God’s plan is based on His covenants, and His plan is immutable and will not change, Romans 8:29-30. God’s plan for Israel is to restore the land to Israel to the people of Israel; to restore the people of Israel to the land of Israel; and to restore the people of Israel to God. Zechariah 12:10, 13:1, Romans 9:27

The issue with Israel will re-start after God removes the Church, the Body of Christ, from the earth. When Jesus comes the 2nd time, He will establish His kingdom on earth, in which Israel will be the greatest among the nations, Deut 28:13. The kingdom will be fulfilled at the second advent. Israel is God’s people who have an earthly destiny, Matthew 6:10.

EVERYTHING God promised Israel through the covenants will be fulfilled when Jesus returns to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem and rule as David’s greater son, Luke 1:31-33, 20:41-44.

Jesus went to His own, but His own rejected Him. The Gentiles didn’t replace the Jews, but they came along side with them as fellow citizens of the commonwealth of Israel, Ephesians 2:12, 19

God has NOT rejected Israel, Romans 11:2. God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew…did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all. Romans 11:11

God promised He will fulfill His promises to the nation of Israel, Ezekiel 36:22-37. Israel continues to be an example of God’s immutability, Malachi 3:6…”for I am the Lord. I do not change; therefore, you are not consumed, sons of Jacob.”

Israel will last FOREVER, according to God’s Holy Word. If God is done with Israel, then God would be a liar. God is not a liar and will keep His Word and His covenant promises to Israel. Almighty God knows what He is doing.