Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by RHClark
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
There would have to be free will to start with (of which there is not), and not everything is a choice. Why would a loving god want to create evil in the first place? A loving god could've just made everything good from the start. The story makes no sense no matter how you look at it.
It is a serious question and I remember a serious question I asked my mother when I could not have been more than 5 years old. The question was ''where did God come from''. I don't remember the exact answer but I do remember hesitancy and stammering and basically the answer was 'we don't know'.

Yep. Matter/energy always existing may be the truth that parallels the god belief, and thereby negates it.

Or proves it, depending on your perspective. Isn't it possible that the energy that always exists and from which everything else came, is just another name for God?

Nope. There is no reason, or necessity, to insert a god into the equation.

There is no reason to insert a personality made up by men to try to explain God. I think it's more the portrayed personality that is objectionable to you than the possibility of a creating force.

Think on this. If all life springs from a central life force. I mean whatever force causes this planet to bring forth life, that life force cannot scientifically be simpler than that which it produces.