There's still that blasted 144,000 who have to be considered. They're all Jews and they'll be sealed to God, whatever that means. There's still an antichrist who will sit in the temple which doesn't exist yet. It has to be built on Temple Mount and that will infuriate the world's Muslims. There's still Armageddon to come when all the world is against Israel and Jesus himself returns to defeat them.
All of this will happen in Israel and it's part of God's plan for them. You do NOT want to be part of any effort to defeat God's plan. When Jesus returns, his angels will sweep across the earth taking out any and all who support a defeat of Israel. God's way are not our ways.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.