Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
There's still that blasted 144,000 who have to be considered. They're all Jews and they'll be sealed to God, whatever that means. There's still an antichrist who will sit in the temple which doesn't exist yet. It has to be built on Temple Mount and that will infuriate the world's Muslims. There's still Armageddon to come when all the world is against Israel and Jesus himself returns to defeat them.
All of this will happen in Israel and it's part of God's plan for them. You do NOT want to be part of any effort to defeat God's plan. When Jesus returns, his angels will sweep across the earth taking out any and all who support a defeat of Israel. God's way are not our ways.

I would encourage you to read Josephus. I’ve come around to the point of view lately that much of those prophecies were fulfilled 2000 years ago with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

- A temple was already rebuilt from the time when that prophecy was made. An Anti-Christ already entered the Holy of Holies in the form of Titus, who would become the Emperor. Titus also erected statues and banners to his father, Emperor Vespasian. The emperor at that time was divine and styled in Roman usage and coinage as “The Son of God.”

- These events happened in 70 A.D. and were prophesied by Jesus when he spoke of the End of the Age. It was the end of the Age of the Temple and sacrifice and the beginning of the new covenant with the church. It also occurred “before this generation passes” a told by Jesus to his disciples.

-Jesus had told of the need to flee when they saw the abomination of the desolation standing in the holy of holies. Apparently in their long war putting down the Jewish Revolt the Romans had retreated or moved their armies away from Jerusalem. Many thought it was safe. Then the Romans reversed course. During Passover people in Jerusalem essentially woke up one morning to find that during the night they had been surrounded by a Roman army of about 60,000. The surprise was complete except for those Christians and others who had heeded Jesus’ words and already fled. It might be that a significant number of Jews realized Jesus was telling the truth at that time, converted, and were saved. Anyway, based on the number of sacrifices they counted, the Romans calculated there were 2.2 million people in the city from all over Judea when Jerusalem was surrounded. The vast majority of them were killed or sold into slavery.

-Josephus also talked about a lot of supernatural stuff going on during the siege. There were chariots aplearing in the sky, apparent battles in the sky, trumpets in the sky and all sorts of stuff. Apparently some Christians at the time interpreted these events as s type of return of Jesus.

-And of course, not a stone of the Temple was left standing as Jesus had foretold.

-Another thing that is missed sometimes is how complete the Roman destruction of the Jews was. In the first revolt talked about above, they eliminated what were possibly millions of Jews. Then anther revolt a few years later was made by Jews across the empire and they were killed. Then the Bar Khokba revolt around 135 A.D. saw up to 400,000 of the Jews left in Judea killed and/or enslaved. And the Jewish religion did not survive. Old Testament Judism was about the Temple and sacrifices. After the destruction of the Temple it had to be reinvented. After the 135 AD revolt, Jews were forbidden from even entering a much diminished Jerusalem. The Talmudic Judism that emerged bore almost no resemblance to Old Testament Judism.

Last edited by JoeBob; 11/02/23.