Originally Posted by Tarbe
I was taught Dispensationalism and pre-trib rapture theory after I was born from above.

Took about a year of study to see that this was error.

Spent the next 25 years studying and seeking the truth.

Still studying....but convinced as ever that the Israel of God (re: Letter to the Galatians) consists of all who are in Christ, by grace, through faith.

God does not have some separate method or plan of Salvation for people who claim a certain genealogy. God is not a respecter of persons.

I have distant family who died in the Nazi camps. That connection means NOTHING in regard to my salvation.

The idea of the blessing being given to the one or ones of promise rather than the one with the birthright is carried throughout the whole of scripture. It’s sad to see people through ignorance or much worse, stubbornness, refuse a very clear teaching that enriches the truth of our faith.

Dispensational theology has done its work. It is unbiblical and has nothing to do with Christian teaching other than to be false teaching. This theology has spurred a tremendous number of false teachings and doctrines which have further confused the Christian landscape in America. Were it not for Dispensational theology there would be no charismatic denominations and most holiness denominations would have folded like the Shakers.