Originally Posted by antlers
The Ancient Israelites were God’s chosen people. Are they still God’s chosen people nowadays ~ Is the current nation of Israel still God’s ‘chosen’ nation…?
Originally Posted by antlers
Is the nation of Israel that has existed since 1948 the same Israel that was guided by God throughout the OT…? There’s a firm allegiance that many people have…a lotta Christians in particular…to the belief that the nation of Israel of today remains God’s chosen people.

Many Christians, and many others, believe that the Israel of today…the one founded in 1948…continues to have a special status with God. And they believe that to be against Israel…for any reason…means to be against God, despite their (mostly) strong detestation of Jesus. Are they still the “chosen” people of Yahweh…?

Does it smell right ~ that those (mostly) who flat out detest Jesus can still be divinely cherished…? Is it possible that people…including many mainline evangelicals…are drinking the Kool-Aid of Christian Zionism…?

Does the nation of Israel…just like all of the nations of the world…need Jesus, the risen Savior…? Is salvation possible apart from Jesus…? As things stand, does the rejection of Jesus result in an eternity apart from God…? Does the view that people…whether Jews or Gentiles…who outright reject the Son of God, and still be saved a fallacy or not…?

Is it possible, or even probable, that many people…and especially many Christians…have accepted a false bill of goods about the nation of Israel today and their current place in God’s economy…?

Can it be that the people of Israel nowadays are the same as every other group of human beings on the earth…the same as you and me…in the sense that they are fallen and in need of salvation. Can it be that the only “chosen” people are the ones who follow the Chosen One, who is Jesus…?
Originally Posted by 673
Those are questions I struggle with today.
What of the notion that Jesus’ ekklesia (the Church) is the real Israel nowadays…the spiritual Israel…those who choose to participate in the New Covenant that Jesus offers to all of the people in all of the world ~ and ‘they’ are heirs of the promises made to Abraham…?

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.