Originally Posted by RHClark
I would be happy to privately explain any of Paul's teachings as long as we can both keep a respectful demeanor. I honestly hate reading you slander Paul.
I'm sorry you feel that way. No slander intended other than to say Paul makes no sense in that he teaches a different doctrine or way than John the Baptist and his cousin Jesus did.

Really we have no idea if Paul really was the author of some of what is attributed to him. Forgeries designed to bolster the Roman/church combination might be the explanation. The first few verses of Romans 13 indicate that very thing. How could anyone give a blanket endorsement to the government and warn that after all they "bear the sword not in vain"?

No offense intended. I am naturally skeptical and something smells fishy. Just my opinion. I'm always subject to be wrong because just like you I operate with incomplete information and we are reading a history of folks long dead and it has been translated through who knows how many languages and retellings.

The OT is different. It was recorded centuries BC and is not near as vulnerable to editing. That said, I do believe the book of Matthew captured Jesus' the most accurately.

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Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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