There is no argument about less PA hunters around here. The shooting you hear now is down to almost nothing. The first Saturday was the buck and doe opener around here and you would have thought there was no season open at all. I am seeing more sign of deer at some areas again, but it is slow. I think the PAGC is getting better and actually trying to correct their mistakes. Cutting back on doe tags around here is a start. This year they started controlled burns in my area instead of worthless clear cut nonsense. Closing snowshoe season the other year and dropping it back to a couple days this year shows they are starting to pay attention to what is REALLY going on. I mean, how many of you guys ever even think about snowshoes? If you hike this area you can see there is a definite drop in the shoe population. I have never been against doe hunting and it is necessary, but trying to control deer overpopulation where people can not hunt by issuing more and more tags is a waste of time. If the herd was ever out of balance, it was when King Alt was in charge. Maybe some of the problems will work themselves out, who knows what is down the road.

Last edited by Gunplummer; 12/19/14.