Its good when cool heads prevail. We had a killing over trespass in the Indiana-Johnstown area a few years ago. It kinda fell under the radar as to how it shook out. The landowner confronted two trespassers and a disagreement broke out. The farmer died and the survivors told that he shot at one and the other shot him. Never heard what the police figured out. It surprises me that it does not happen more often. Landowners have this going on and on till they are ready to explode. Trespassers feel entitled and get mad, all have guns. We had a guy hit a landowner with a rifle and then take the landowners gun. Now I carry a sidearm and we have changed how we approach people. This may help explain my overall negative thoughts toward the GC and deer hunting. I love to hunt but all these things and few deer make it tough.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!