Originally Posted by MarkFed
I think the PGC should do away with doe tags all together. Raise the price of a license by $6.70. Then change the buck tag on your license to an "Either Sex Tag". Open hunting season on October 1st and close it on February 28th. Use any means of hunting deer you would like during that time but harvest only one deer per person.

I'd be all for this...Then I could use my flintlock during the rut smile or god forbid that evil contraption known as a bow...

Seriously, the rifle hunter is losing out and my crystal ball says he will continue to loose out. PA is changing (for better or worse), more guys are archery hunting. The causual rifle hunter hunts for a day instead of the 1st week like decades past. Very few dyed in the wool rifle-only hunters.

Just think how family dynamics have changed. Dad used to work, take a week or two vacation during bear and/or buck. Mom didnt work or only part-time. Kids started going with dad or to camp when they were 12, saturdays were spent small game hunting in the fall. Now mom and dad work, if dad even had 2 weeks vacation time he wouldnt use it exclusively for hunting (away from family), weeknights are spent away traveling for work for some, weekends are for spending money at the mall and/or kids sports. 12 year olds dont want to sit in the woods. The kids that do hunt are like communist olympic athletes, killing their first gobbler, buck and bear at age 5, not to mention that trip to S. Africa for plaingame. Seems we've lost the middle ground.

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