pahick - good post. I'd bet we share more in common than not. Funny you mention being a loner and wanting to hunt with your Dad - thats me spot on. I hunt 90% of the time by myself. I don't dislike hunting with other people its just that I have certain ways of doing things. And they produce for me.

My Dad is 72 and doesn't have alot of years left. Just this past week we acquired a 1000 acre lease about 40 minutes from my Dad's house. That means I'll be doing a 20 hour round trip in spring turkey, bear, and deer rifle seasons, plus several work sessions each year. I'm going to spend his last years hunting with him all I can. He started taking me when I was 10 - 41 years ago this past fall. We've hunted all over the US in the intervening 40 years.

Most don't know this but I had prostate cancer 2 years ago at age 49. (who the hell gets prostate cancer at age 49? Turns out quite a few guys do but don't catch it till their mid-late 50's) I thought my hunting days were over because of the after affects of that surgery - you basically can't hold urine. Turns out it was a normal side effect and didn't last long. I have zero issues today but for a couple of months thought it was over. The biggest thing I was going to miss? Spending time in the PA woods with my Dad. Life happens and can change in one phone call. Without getting all Hallmark channel, my advice is take advantage of time with your Dad and family while you can. I've shot my share of nice critters but I come back to memories with my Dad and family hunting in PA. Its a little cliche but the best things in life aren't things.

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.