DillonBuck--Maybe some spikes stay spikes, but I doubt many are like that. The PAGC did studies on this in the 60's and a lot of the heavier weight spikes killed were actually deer that had bigger racks at one time and were old and going down hill. I really don't care about AR's, if it was an AR program. In PA it is just an excuse to drop deer numbers. Some people are seeing bigger deer in their area but it has nothing to do with AR regulations. Trail cams, food plots and WAYYY less hunters is what is making people see bigger deer. The Game Commission screwed up. Period. They will not admit it, but looking at the way they are changing the regulations around here shows it. There are areas around here that have gone dead for deer and hunters for the last ten years. Shouldn't these areas be exploding with deer with almost no hunting pressure? I really don't consider deer as herd animals. More like family groups. There is no telling what wiping out a family group in an area will lead to. It would be nuts to go back to the 70's deer population, but a little restraint would seem to be in order.