Originally Posted by Scott F
Thanks Doc. The part that hurts me most is where he fits the mould so well of the kind of christian (note no "C") that makes up an accurate stereotype that makes non Christins want nothing to do with us. Looking at Mark's actions I cannot blame them.


Kind of a coincidence, but a former pastor of mine died last week. Guy had a tremendous evangelical ministry at one time, and was loved by many. Loved a little too well by some, as it turned out.

Turned out he was fugging a good number of the married women in our church on a regular basis under the guise of "spiritual counseling", in his office. Apparently they were really messed up gals, they needed a LOT of counseling sessions... And just between you and me, these were mostly gals I wouldn't do with Flave's dick.

Anyways, ol' Pastor Rob finally had to give up "the ministry", went into construction, and got into trouble for screwing people over on projects he was contractor for. And so on. And so on.

One of my best friends stayed friends with him right up to the end. Felt he was called to do so. Me, I felt I was called to put a claw hammer in his skull next time I saw him, neither of which ever happened. If he'd have been on fire, etc...

The damage these people do to the Bride of Christ is horrifying. It's not my job to do fix them, but if they cross paths with me or mine, I'll be sure to give them what they are owed.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars