Originally Posted by Wyogal

I'm just a semi retired old phart, who loves the outdoors, hunting and fishing and shooting. But I know what I see. When some gal like you, who by her posts, neither hunts or fishes,
comes on a Hunting Forum, and works the crowd, like an internet lot lizard, she's there for another reason. Yeah get all righteous, and garner more sympathy. When you posted that you lied to a healthcare nurse, just to get the dirt on someone, for of course righteous reasons, you showed your colors... like someone's personal hospital records are nothing to you but your 5 minutes of internet fame, that's your prize alright. Yep, similar to safariman.

You are an absolutely fascinating specimen of a human being. Do you have any siblings ? Are they old pharts too ? You married ? I doubt it, but hey, there's always hope, right ? What's your Christmas plans ? Family coming to you or you going to them ? What you serving ? What are they serving ? Do you eat early like noonish, or an evening meal ? I personally like serving a little earlier in the day, you know, and getting the cleaning up done so the family can relax and enjoy our time together.

BTW, if you EVER make derogatory comments about my posts for prayers for my kids ever again, I will search you out and I will personally take you places you do not want to go, and that is not a threat, that is a pppphucking promise. Family is off limits, get it ? May you never have children with MS, or any other rotten disease, and work tirelessly to make their lives just a little bit easier, and a little bit happier, and as blessed as they can be.

Now, ask Doc Rocket, ask him if he thinks that is a false promise I made to you, it's okay, him and I are friends outside of the Fire. He will give you a straight answer, ask anyone here, Doc is straight up !

So, as I was saying, what are you doing for the holidays ? smile