Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Thank you, I appreciate that. But for that simple statement:

Be assured you will get hounded and pounded by the cartel of cretins here that have naught to do but denigrate the Great Spanokopitas and others who threaten their tenuous grasp on reality.

May peace be upon you and yours.

Maybe you should re read that last sentence you typed...if that came from mark...well...what else would you expect him to say to his "Great Benefactor"????
Since it's not in the "PM" maybe the "Great Spanokopitas" could share with the fire just how much he/she is in the tank $ cash wise with Marks "FUNDRAISERS"...I know you'll feel duped & embarrassed, but you shouldn't...he's a con...that's what they do...

In case you hadn't noticed spanky, many who have defended him in the past, finally read through enough threads from the past, to finally see the light.