Thanks for posting that, Joken.

In the interest of fairness (not to Safariman, who's been outed), but to his father, I have seen a "Consent Order" like that (although not in a federal court), that a friend had to sign to avoid thousands in attorney fees.

He had a rental property open.

It was a walk-up, no steps.

He took out an ad in the paper which had the usual terms, but he added the phrase: "No steps, perfect for an older person."

The paper tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen.

Prosecuted by some City look-busy EEO department, I believe, for discrimination, preferring older people.

Nobody complained, apparently these a$$holes are paid to read the classifieds to drum up business.

Had to hire an attorney. Then he had a choice.

Pay attorney at least $5K, and probably lose anyway; or

Sign a "Consent Order" never to do that again, and get (hello USSR) *retraining* to prevent future occurrences.

He actually had to attend classes, taught by the SAME A$$HOLES AT THE CITY THAT PROSECUTED HIM. The gist of the classes was: Next time let the paper write the ad, idiot.

So, it *may* be that economic reasons, rather than facts, resulted in a settlement.

Posted out of courtesy for a guy I didn't know that can't defend himself.

And no, SAFARIMAN, I'm not takin up for you, A$$HOLE, SO DON'T PM me askin for $.

Or sympathy.

Or $ AND sympathy.

Or $ OR sympathy.