"Where, when and how it all started (quite lengthy - multiple pages) : VERY beautiful full custom rifle, Mauser heart, in 7mm Mashburn Super. Pic HEAVY!

Excerpt from where it started to get real:"

Originally Posted By safariman
NW Rancher and I have dealt before, as buyer and seller several times and he is a good guy. I did not remember the offer to let him buy it back, but as soon as he called I honored the statement even though I do not remember making it. Fact is, I do not remember a lot of stuff from my pre renal failure years nor even much from during them. Been a little bit busy staying alive.

Plenty of folks here deal with me regularly. A known member here who does quite a bit of selling here just mailed me something today I commited to buy, without payment arriving. I just sent him his USPS MO. There are dozens of folks here who deal with me in this fashion, compared to maybe 1/2 dozen who like to try to firebomb my threads. Most of these posts, I ignore and so do the people who really know me and have dealt with me. I had several PM inquiries about this rifle, but am genuinely glad that NW Rancher is getting this back. To his home is where it belongs.

What do you have to say about your false statements regarding my real and true incoming medical bills, sir?

Originally Posted By 4ager
You want to talk false statements, Mark? Really? Fine. Let's talk false statements.

As to your bills: prove it. By doing so, you'll prove your own words about the entire procedure being fully covered for you and your cousin false, in addition to other things about that whole fiasco.

As for "dealing with you", I've got more experience "dealing with you" than anyone on this site other than your wife, and I'm just damned sick of it. So, let's talk false statements, Mark.

Let's talk about the false statements I have PERSONALLY seen and heard you make to prospective clients about insurance policies; misleading and intentionally false statements about how they worked (especially annuities), and whether they were the right fit. Let's talk about the false statements you tried to make in my presence, with MY LICENSE on the line, about securities that prospective clients held that you were never licensed to discuss in the first place.

The Oregon Insurance Bureau got it dead right; you scammed and conned old people regularly by lying to them, lying to the ridiculously schitty company you worked for, and lying to regulators. I know this, because I saw and heard you do it, and I tried repeatedly to get you to NOT do that. Unlike you, every deal I made with a client had to be completely vetted by me and by THREE other licensed financial advisers, none of whom you ever met and all of whom had their licenses on the line with every transaction. They had to be right, and I made sure of it. I have copies of every damned deal I ever did, as do they, and I handed all of those clients off to another licensed broker when I left that business, and they checked then to make sure that everything was kosher. You never did anything like that, because you couldn't. Go ahead and try to impugn that I was doing the same schit. You can try, but you know damned well it will be a lie and that I have the docs to prove it.

Now, let's talk about the false statements you've made in trying to (and sometimes succeeding in) getting people to send you firearms via the mail to your PO Box claiming that your C&R license was an 01 FFL. I've SEEN YOU do that, and there are several here that you tried to run that on.

While we are at it, let's talk about the Campfire Pig Hunt you went on that you tried to turn into your own gunshow; trying to trade into and out of guns that you didn't even own so you could turn a profit while the rest of the guys were there. There were SEVERAL people there that are still here that will attest to that. Hell, rattler won't even mention you by name after the schit you pulled there. Neither will ScottF for a myriad of reasons.

Let's keep going, shall we? Let's talk about the safari business you ran and what a schitshow that turned into and how you conveniently disappear whenever anyone asks about that, what you knew and when, and any type of compensation made to the guys that got screwed there.

Let's talk about the false statements you made to ME, PERSONALLY, regarding tax situations; i.e., the fact that you TWICE provided me and my accountant with false Tax ID numbers when I 1099'd you for services contracted during the few months that I was flying out to Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to try to establish a financial services business out there with your old clients. Let's talk about the fact that had my accountant not been on the ball about that, TWICE, that you would have managed to stick me with the tax bill for money paid to you, and that the IRS STILL doesn't have that filed under your name properly. And, yes, I have those documents, too.

You want to talk false statements, Mark? Great. Start with those. And, yes, I can back up every damn thing I just wrote and you know it.

I gave you every chance to correct your ways. I warned you about the firearms business you were running here without an FFL (and that only worked because you realized that the Feds were about to knock on your door). I have tried to hint at you changing you ways for long enough. You ran out of rope, and I've had it.

You want to know what God wants from you after giving you another chance at life, and you want to talk about false statements? Start there, Mark.


Originally Posted By safariman
Well hello SEAN!

I still consider you a friend, and as such I am going to take your suggestion at the end of your comments quite seriously. I will be away from the 'fire for a while while I weigh all of this.And yes, I will be praying that God will, as the prophet said "Search me oh God, and see if there be any wicked way in me." I have been having this conversation with others as I prepare to embark on life, part two. Also the words here of Rick Menefee (Mark, do you see what you are doing here?") and a couple of others here.

There is an old saying "If one man calls you an ass, you can disregard it, if two or more do, start shopping for a saddle"

Then in the book of proverbs we are called fools if we disregard the council of a friend. I do not want to be a fool, or to be any longer seen as one who would be dishonest.

This stuff has to be fixed, and now.

I will be away from the campfire for some time, except to communicate with folks who I have deals pending with in PM's only.

I do not expect any one here to give me any room or credence to any of this, I will have to prove it. And, it will take time and experiences for you all to see. But I am going to work at this and seek wise council and input.

I am not angry, or mad, more contemplating than anything else.

I do have an awesome and amazing second chance at life here, got to do it right.

See ya'll a bit later. PM's welcome but I won't be posting for a while.

Blessings abundant,


Originally Posted By 4ager
You know, I had a bet running as to how you would respond when I posted what I did. Unfortunately, I won that bet. That post of yours is so much part of your MO that it's like a tattoo. When you are finally caught and can't get out of it, you pull the "I will take some time and pray to God to heal me" card. I've seen you do this time and again, and here you are pulling it once more. This flanking maneuver isn't a true reflection upon your actions, but a means for you to avoid addressing the real problems you have. If you can actually be sincere with yourself, you'd admit that.

Yes, you need some time away. A long time. That doesn't mean behind the scenes PM deals and "prayer sessions" with the Campfire "faithful". That means some serious time away; completely away. And, frankly, you need help. Not the "I will pray with my pastor" kind of help, but real, professional, psychiatric help from someone who isn't going to just "pray with you" and make you feel better because you have "sinned". You need someone who is going to diagnose you and treat you because you've got some very serious issues.

I've seen you pull the "I'm caught so I'll go away for a while" ruse and all you ever really hope for is that the person or people aggrieved will cool off, forgive, or forget. That doesn't address the problem, and on top of it all, it plays into your "well, I didn't really do anything wrong" mantra. This is how you treated insurance and compliance complaints, and why you still can't and won't admit that what Oregon busted you for is exactly what you did. And, you did it dozens, if not hundreds, of times over those few instances where you got caught. I know this, and you know this.

I've seen you pull the "I must pray to God to heal me" thing too many times to count. For many people, faith is a comforting thing and they use it to try to better themselves and to be better toward others. You, frankly, do not. You use it as a crutch and as a weapon. The crutch to absolve you of responsibility (i.e., "I am but a poor sinner; it's not my fault; God forgive me"), and the weapon to gain people's confidence and trust. The first time I saw you pray with an old person and then turn right around and try to convince them that a schitty annuity was the right fit for them, I couldn't believe it. After that, I saw it so often I knew that it was just part of your game. You found a weak spot in most people for their faith, and you exploited it through your own. You'll try to do that again when you come back here, if you don't go get some real help.

Coming back here, and even you being here, has been one of the biggest problems you've had. You have enough "prayer buddies" around here that you have always been able to find someone to buy your Christianity and stick up for you, and you've always been able to find someone to buy the next deal you throw out there. All you've ever needed was one person to validate to you that you didn't do wrong, no matter what you've done or to whom, and you'd carry right on.

I'm not a priest or pastor, nor am I a psychiatrist. Hell, I don't even play one on TV and I haven't stayed in a Holiday Inn Express in several years. Here's what I see, though, if I were to look at it from those perspectives.

You are a prideful, greedy man. That's two of the Seven Deadly Sins. Your pride won't allow you to admit your mistakes, your faults, or to truly seek any help. That feeds into your greed. You worked for many, many years and made several millions of dollars (think about how much commission you've made, and you know I'm right). Yet, you don't have schit to show for it. Why? Your pride made you always seek the flashiest junk out there, or the most boastful trips or hunts, and your greed kept you always wanting more. Hell, I've seen times when your wife's vehicle was in bad shape, your rent was due, and you had just tried to borrow money or get an advance, and yet you'd turn right around and pull out a wad of cash (rent money; your wife's vehicle repair money) to buy another gun. When you could have, and should have, saved money or paid bills you had due, you didn't. You took that money and you bought toys for yourself, and those toys are all you have left (and you still aren't getting rid of them because they are for you). You're doing that again here, and you have for years.

You've got some serious psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies. The psychopathy manifests itself in your ingrained aversion to the truth. You can't not tell a lie; it's just who you are. Your lies are always about how special you, or something you have, is or was (Pride, again). You NEVER show true guilt about the actions, only a reaction to being caught. This time is no different. Let's not even get into the shallow relationships all geared toward benefiting you in some fashion. You know damned well that's there.

The narcissism is obvious. Everything you do is always all about you. You're in a quartet, but you have to make sure you're the biggest one in it and you're the one that controls the CDs. Even in your church, and remember I've seen you there, too, was just a pool of potential clients or gun sales/buys or a means to gain access to hunting property. Vehicle choices, trips, tattoos, you name it - it has always been about you. Hell, even your "prayers" are about you: "heal me; take away the evil/sin; make be better; help me find the next deal; etc."

Mark, you need help. You need real, professional, psychiatric help. You don't just need a small break from here, or to go off and pray for a bit, or to sit back and read the Bible; you need help. Please, go get that help. Don't talk about. Don't come on here and say you are, or will, or have. Just go get that help and take a very long complete break from here.

If you do that, maybe God really will let you know what His plan was for you to have a few more years. Or, maybe that is simply His plan after all. Whatever it is, it starts with you getting some real, serious help.