Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Ed, I am beginning to wonder whether there really is a SHERRI, at least a real Sherri that is his wife, I know people have met her, but that isn't to say she wasn't running a con with him pretending to be his wife.
It's damned odd that she isn't on his Facebook page, he'll can't even find a Sherri doing a search. There is a sherry claiborne but looks nothing like the one one in his pictures

Miss Lynn has communicated with his wife, Sherri, so I know she exists and the same lady he posted pictures here looks like the one on his FB page, just no mention of her and she's not listed as one of his FB friends. Odd...

I'm guessing she is one of his con victims, too.


I mean who the hell.marries a woman with the same name as your ex wife.

That's like a buddy of mine who divorced his first wife because she was a complete nut job only to marry her TWIN sister

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell