Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by ctsmith
Predestination - The vast majority of the most respected theologians believe in it.
So what...? To me, their relationship with God is no more legitimate than anyone else’s is. The “most respected theologians” of Jesus’ day were the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He made it pretty clear what His opinion of their theology was.
Originally Posted by ctsmith
It’s not a heaven or hell issue.

Antlers, with all due respect, to say "so what" about the conclusions of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards, is a reckless statement. Predestination could very well be the only deep theological debate that they all agree on. To not take seriously the one issue they all agree upon is dangerous. Also, if you completely read through all of Paul's epistles with the sole purpose of determining how he would answer the question, I guarantee the only conclusion that you will come to is that Paul is teaching predestination.

Heaven and hell issue - it can quickly become one if Man believes he is responsible in any way for his salvation.

Please take the time to listen to RC link posted above.